Let's get in touch
Andrea Station manager | Head instructor

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  • Book Now, Limited Spaces Available!
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Gentili visitatori,

vogliamo informarvi che i servizi menzionati sul nostro sito web sono esclusivamente riservati ai Tesserati dell'ASD Kite Me Up. Diventare Tesserati è semplice e ha un costo di soli 10€ all'anno, inclusa l'assicurazione. Vi invitiamo a unirvi a noi per godere di tutti i benefici offerti.

Teniamo a precisare che non gestiamo direttamente le strutture ricettive elencate sul sito, ma abbiamo negoziato per voi delle tariffe vantaggiose.

Per ulteriori informazioni su come diventare Tesserati, non esitate a contattarci al +39 351 950 4204 oppure tramite email a contact@kitemeup.com.

Me oleme võrgus
Kas vajate abi ?
Ethel Station manager | Head instructor
Welcome to Kite Me Up. I answer instantly on the following channels.
How can I help you?
Hello there! 👋 I noticed you've been browsing our website for a little while. I want to ensure you're finding everything you need. If you have any questions, need assistance, or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out to us!
Special offer:
Early Bird Season 2025
Piiratud pakkumine10%

Meie meeskond

Tutvuge oskusliku meeskonnaga meie leilikooli taga
  • Rahvusvaheline ja mitmekeelne meeskond
  • Positiivne at mosphere
  • Maksimaalne hoolivus meie klientidest
Kite Instructor IKO
"Ujumine, mere ja tuule vahel, ainulaadne kogemus, mis haaras meid ja tõi meid kokku!"
inglise | itaalia
Kite instruktor IKO
"Kitesurfinguga alustamine võib muuta minu elu, minu jaoks on see olnud sissepääs imeliste kohtumiste ja naudingute maailma."
Saksa keel | inglise keel
Station owner | Kite instructor IKO
"Suurim tasu on näha rõõmu minu õpilaste nägudel, kui nad esimest korda vee peal sõidavad."
Prantsuse keel | inglise keel | itaalia keel
Kite instruktor IKO
"Teaching kitesurfing and witnessing students' growth and improvement is truly satisfying."
inglise | itaalia
Big Air Director
"Master the wind and defy gravity – I'm here to teach you how to soar through the skies, where every high-flying jump brings an adrenaline rush like no other in kitesurfing!"
inglise | saksa
Kite instructor IKO | Yoga instructor
"Inimesi oma mugavustsoonist välja tuua ja näha neid pärast õppetundi suurimaid naeratusi - see on suurepärane töö🤩."
Prantsuse keel | inglise keel | eesti keel
Kite Instructor VDWS
"Kitesurfing is not just a sport; it's a dance with the wind and waves, offering an exhilarating sense of freedom, joy, and connection with the sea and sun that is simply unmatched."
inglise | saksa